2008, 資策會(MIC)出版
- Industrial Analysis:
- 廠商
- Supply chain
- Demand Chain(Channel, Customer)
- Aim to help in decision making
- I--Issue:
- requirement definition
- intelligence needs(info/question list)
- research planning
- S--Source:
- primary, secondary research
- 2M2C(macro env---social, tech, economic, regulation---, market, customer---5W1H, competitor)
- V--Variable
- Parameter: price, size/sharing, accumulated installment, life cycle....
- Model: Five Forces Analysis, BCG Matrix, SWOT, Value Chain
- S--Strategy
- A--Action
- Research Subject:
- Who is reader
- Impact
- 小題大作
- New View Points
- Data Collection:
- Primary
- Questionnaire
- Interview(起承轉合)
- Conference Panel, focus group
- Exhibition---user, product, vendor
- (key points, schedule, interviewee, Q-list, media/press, conference)
- Secondary
- Define data item required
- Data source
- Deadline to stop
- Rapid browse, filter, sorting
- Keyword data definition, data accuracy, extracting trend from number, cross reference/check, data enhancement, analysis, cause/effect--implication
- Data interpretation, analysis:
- Item definition and scope
- Unit
- Investigation method
- Interviewee
- Bias of source
- cause/effect --> solution
- View from different stance, angle
- Comparison/Benchmark cross timing, competitor, industry....
- Positive and Negative impact
- Skills
- Problem-Oriented
- Info system,people netowork
- 察言觀色,旁敲側擊
- 拼湊全冒(Jigsaw)
- 無中生有,new model
- 因果關係
- 切中要害,捨棄枝節
- 自圓其說
- 第一時間
- 引導決策
- 產業專業知識,表達能力,積極主動
- Market Size Forecast
- Market
- Potential market: 有興趣購買者
- Available market: 有興趣、能力購買者
- Target/Served market:特定Segment
- Penetrated market: share
- Forecast method
- secondary data:
- average
- judgement by reputation, research method and data decomposition.
- synthetic by history experience data/model, other statistical data, replacement rate, complimentary, reference from function like product, from customer purchase budget/plan, external factors.
- Investigation
- quick guess based on assumption and weighting
- info transfer link: fab shipment -- Brand vendor -- disti -- retail
- Production--Sales
- public announcement figure
- competitive info
- fab shipmemnt ---> 由 disti shipment 反推
- 由 key component sales 順推 --- fab shipment
- Market Sales
- Big retail channel
- sample from retail store
- Product competitive analysis
- Mass market: oligopoly,monopolize
- Niche market: differentiator, segmentation
- Eventually Mass --> Niche(ex white appliance)
- existing product improvement, totally new product
- 4P
- Product: Performance, Function, Image(design, package, brand, adv, segment--target--position)
- Price
- Internal: position, promotion strategy, cost, vol, capacity
- External: demanding, economics env, competitor, channel, regulation, cusotmer
- Promotion
- Place
- 5 forces
- potential entrant: me too/more better, lower cost,
- substitute:
- Product Life Cycle
- Introduction: Gain awareness,
- Growth: share, profit, branding, gain wider disti
- Maturity: price/margin fall, max profit, extending, seeking break through
- Decline: reduce expense, squeeze value
- ADL Matrix
- 絕對優勢,強勢,比較優勢,守勢,劣勢
- Ansoff 產品擴張矩陣
- 現有市場/現有產品:market penetration [未飽和,已飽和]
- 現有市場/新產品:product development [趨飽和]
- 新市場/現有產品:market development
- 新市場/新產品:Diversification
- Technology Portfolio Planning
- 趨勢法(Exploratory Approach): Induction --> Deduction
- 規範法(Normative Approach): 以未來特定時間所要達成目標反推
- Company Strategy Analysis
- Usage
- Benchmark, key successful factor.
- New business
- Industrial trend
- Analysis Items
- History---Milestone, Event, Organization change
- Operation performance(earning, profit, eps, sharing, product, territory
- Product strategy(BCG, roadmap, life cycle), competitive product compassion, SWOT
- Owner----Stock holder, board, management style/ambition/vision, credit
- Core competence----core competence --> core product --> end product
- Core resource----Value, Rareness, Imitability, Substitutability, Appropriability
- Earning Model(Direct sale, after sales support, indirect sale, finance, IP)
- Strategy(Level: Corporate, BU, Department)
- Value Chain Analysis
- Supporting activity----HR, RD, PUR
- Main activity----進料後勤、生產、出貨後勤、行銷與銷售、服務
- 行銷與銷售----行銷管理、廣告、業務人員管理、業務作業、技術文件、促銷
- 報告撰寫
- 流程
- 釐清需求(READER)
- 擬定題目(量力而為、小題大作)
- 發展大綱(切割、故事、邏輯)
- 決定研究方法
- 蒐集、判讀、解析資料
- 撰寫報告
- 校閱
- 出版
- 內容
- 封面、題目業
- 摘要(Executive Summary, not abstract)---目的、範圍、方法
- 目錄
- 正文
- 結論、建議
- 附錄