2009年8月6日 星期四

[Digest] Is Freelancer Right For You

One article on HBR, August 6, 2009, titled "is Freelancing Right for you"

1. 你的skill有市場嗎?公司願意買你的服務嗎(當預算緊縮時)?業界情況如何?what do people want to buy?

2. 評估你的財務狀況?

3. 分攤風險的夥伴?

4. 比較上班,問自己為何要做Freelancer?

5. proven track record

1. 別期望過去full-time的待遇

2. 何時提高價格;當你忙不過來時

3. help others by free hour consultant

4. Keep contacts, get out of your house

5. keep learning per quarter

6. Self Review

7. Vocation

Elance, Guru.com, GetAFreelancer.com