作者臚列50條 CONSULTANT 實務經驗。
9. listen to what other people are telling you[聆聽]
10. don't communicate to somebody, but communicate with somebody
12. make sure they have their fingerprints on it
13. listen for what they're not saying[言外之意]
14. listen to the "music", body language, intonation [聆聽身體、語調]
23. Managing Expectations
25. You can observe a whole lot just by watching[觀察]
47. Don't fall for the big lies: "we're just about to get funding" "our data is clean" "your check is in the mail" "we're going to sign it next month, just keep working" "don't worry about the contract" ...[官方用語]
17. any successful services company has some fixed priced product to sell
18. given them entry points that they can buy
19. recurring revenue model, e.g. via contract maintenance plans, or follow-through
38. The best way to build a business is to stay in business; stay around, build a reputation and credibility
52. Sometimes you can save money by spending money; and sometimes the reverse. Learn to tell the difference[花錢]
49. Double your reading speed[速讀]
50. Choose not to read a lot; don't read stuff that's not worth reading[書匠、呆]
51. Stay off Facebook, Twitter[浪費時間、個資洩漏]