2011年6月22日 星期三

Facing a new opportunity

Everybody is happy whenever a new opportunity is emerging, the question is how to grab it, that is, how a company position itself to provide specific service or product to that market on time.

Position means how to justify the right business either to the company or to the market.

But what if the company can't adapt to it, whatever it is a new business model or a new skill set required, or a new approach other than an existing one.

5 force model for existing business:
Buyers, Suppliers: Weak Bargaining power
New Entrants: Happening
Substitutes: Happening
Competitors: Fierce

SWOT for new business:
O: emerging, diverse opportunities
S: brand, size, a little power
W: integration capability, slow to catch, supplier chain
T: existing related company

Product: ASIC, Component or Solution Provider
Place: Echo System, Channel, Food chain
Promotion: Alliance, Enabler, Partner